A pair natural orbital based implementation of CCSD excitation energies within the framework of linear response theory

Marius S. Franka) and Christof Hättigb)
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Chemie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, D-44801 Bochum, Germany

J. Chem. Phys., 2018, 148, 134102

We present a pair natural orbital (PNO)-based implementation of coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) excitation energies that builds upon the previously proposed state-specific PNO approach to the excited state eigenvalue problem. We construct the excited state PNOs for each state separately in a truncated orbital specific virtual basis and use a local density-fitting approximation to achieve an at most quadratic scaling of the computational costs for the PNO construction. The earlier reported excited state PNO construction is generalized such that a smooth convergence of the results for charge transfer states is ensured for general coupled cluster methods. We investigate the accuracy of our implementation by applying it to a large and diverse test set comprising 153 singlet excitations in organic molecules. Already moderate PNO thresholds yield mean absolute errors below 0.01 eV. The performance of the implementation is investigated through the calculations on alkene chains and reveals an at most cubic cost-scaling for the CCSD iterations with the system size.

a) Electronic mail: Marius.Frank@rub.de
b) Electronic mail: christof.haettig@rub.de

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